Safe Online Surfing

Welcome to FBI-SOS Cyber Surf Island!

Here you will learn all about cyber safety and digital citizenship.


Game Instructions

Exam Instructions

The National Competition

FBI-SOS includes a monthly competition among schools across the country. There are three categories based on how many students are participating. The 10 highest scores in each category are shown on the leaderboard each month. When possible, winning schools in each category will receive a visit from a local FBI special agent. Good luck!

When possible, the winning school in each category will receive a visit from a local FBI special agent.


Register by visiting the Teacher Sign-Up page. Then click the Teachers link, read the instructions, and download the step-by-step guide.


Step-By-Step Teachers Guide (PDF)

More Info

Additional Resources for Educators

NetSmartz/KidSmartz – National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC)

Main NCMEC website

online safety education program for children ages 5-17

KidSmartz safety program on preventing child abductions

OnGuardOnline – Federal Trade Commission

Main website

Resources for educators - Department of Health and Human Services & Government Partners

Main website

Information on cyberbullying

StaySafeOnline – National Cyber Security Alliance

Main website

STOP.THINK.CONNECT – Various Public and Private Partners

Main website

Department of Homeland Security webpage and educator resources

The goal of FBI-SOS is to promote cyber citizenship and help students learn about online safety while engaging in fun, interactive games. The program was designed to address current Internet safety threats while keeping each grade level's online usage and knowledge in mind. We hope that you find the program beneficial and that your students use the information to make themselves safer digital citizens.
